March 2018 Newsletter

 Table of Contents

Trump’s steel tariffs protect national security, put end to $8 billion foreign aid to Canada, Mexico, South Korea and Brazil every year 

London Closes 500 Churches; Opens 423 New Mosques 

Trump Administration Has Reduced Refugee Immigration to a Trickle

School shootings are extraordinarily rare. Why is fear of them driving policy?

Energized high schoolers rally across US in school walkouts: ‘You don’t want your brother, sister … to be the next victims’

Local student shot at school urges classmates not to walk out

College student kicked out of class for telling professor there are only two genders 

Trump’s steel tariffs protect national security, put end to $8 billion foreign aid to Canada, Mexico, South Korea and Brazil every year

Everything is a trade off. Americans must decide if they want cheap steel or national security. To help you decide, click on this link.

London Closes 500 Churches; Opens 423 New Mosques

If this article does not drive home the need to stop immigration of Muslims into the United States dead in its tracks, nothing will. To read this cautionary tale, click on this link.

Trump Administration Has Reduced Refugee Immigration to a Trickle

Do you know what a VOLAG is? Are you aware they receive from the federal government BILLIONS of your tax dollars to bring into this country thousands of immigrants, too many of whom are unwilling to assimilate and devoid of marketable skills. Once here, these VOLAGS sign the newly arrived immigrant up for as many free programs as possible-again on your tax dollars-only to then leave the long term unmet needs of the immigrants to their host communities-again more tax dollars consumed.
If you would like to know the names of these VOLAGS and more information about them, click on this link.

School shootings are extraordinarily rare. Why is fear of them driving policy?

To learn how the current school gun violence debate is doing more harm than good and is more irrational than rational, click on this link.

Energized high schoolers rally across US in school walkouts: ‘You don’t want your brother, sister … to be the next victims’

By the time you get this newsletter the March 14, 2018 student protests for gun control will be in the rear view mirror. For better or worse this will not be the last time children will be used by the Left to do the heavy lifting necessary to gut the Second Amendment. For this reason it is critical you understand what is really at stake if we continue to encourage our children to protest during school hours.

Too many of our schools in conjunction with Leftist groups like Women’s March Organization are whipping our kids into an emotional frenzy to encourage the students to walk outs of their schools. This MIGHT be OK if the students were first encouraged in the classroom to do research to determine if school gun violence is the greatest danger to their life and limb (more deaths due to texting and driving, etc.) and to identify ALL of the factors that contribute to school gun violence. At that point the students would be able to protest intelligently about the need to foster intact families, to decrease violent video game usage by children, etc., but, oh, no. No research. No choice; just a not so subtle pressure for the students to get out there and demand of the government a simple solution to school gun violence, when in reality it is a very complex problem.
If these protests are allowed to continue and flourish, the result will be more government gun control, radicalized students, chaos in the schools with less learning, but sadly, no decrease in school gun violence. So much harm for so little gain.
To listen to these well-meaning, but poorly informed, emotionally overcharged students, click on this link.

Local student shot at school urges classmates not to walk out

In this crazy up-side down time in America, it is a real pleasure to find a young person, Logan Cole, with the integrity and courage to push back against the effort in the public schools to use the students to protest in mass against the Second Amendment. Logan is even more special because even though he was a victim of a school shooter, he did not let his emotions control his thinking allowing him to come up with a much better way of honoring those students shot in Florida’s recent Valentine’s Day school shooting. Allow yourself the privilege of hearing this young man speak, by clicking on this link.

College student kicked out of class for telling professor there are only two genders

To read about another brave, young person unwilling to accept from a Progressive professor non-reality based information click on this link.

If you find this newsletter of value, please consider forwarding it to others or direct them to the upper left side of the site,, where the monthly newsletters are archived. Thank you.
Respectfully submitted, Eileen

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