Notes to go Along with Henry Lamb’s Confronting Agenda 21-Three Part Video Series

These are the notes that go along with all three of Henry Lamb’s three part video series Confronting Agenda 21. By copying them and reading them while you watch the videos, you will have a much easier time understanding the many important points that are made.


Part 1 (20:30)  

  1. A Visioning Meeting can be managed by a local planning commissioner or NGO or both.
  2. If an NGO (or sympathizer), they will try to create a Comprehensive Plan based on A-21 policies, which will then have accompanying A-21 ordinances that will have to be followed.
  3. Using Costa County, CA…
    1. Showed facilitator starting meeting with assurances about how this meeting was to get info. about the communities wishes (which proves patently false).
    2. Says there are about 60 folks in the room, but fails to mention that many (my guess at least 20-at least one at every table) are ringers, associated with A-21.
    3. Facilitator provided a list of what the folks wanted for their community, and wanted folks to prioritize the pre-developed list. When folks wanted list altered, that just didn’t happen.
    4. Usually only a tiny # of folks create a Comprehensive Plan. NOTE: That means a small opposition group could make a large impact=OPPORTUNITY! (Might need to stay under radar as long as possible).
    5. It is a possibility that the NGO could lie anywhere along the line. STAY SHARP!
    6. Showed Titusburg, FLA. Signing up for ICLEI, AND the accompanying requirement to decrease CO2 emissions.

 Part 2: (17:34)

1. Comprehensive Land Use Plans are the instruments that convert the vision of the future in binding law/regulation.

2.Local Building Codes usually incorporate International Building Codes (=International Code Council). May even incorporate International Green Code Construction.

3. (3:45) Guy talks about how Comprehensive Plans, as they establish urban boundary zones, can force the population into small areas, causing land prices to increase. In other words, Comprehensive Plans choose winners and losers.

4. (6:00) Explains a situation where, when land values increase because of the establishment of an urban boundary zone, the gov’t skimmed off the increase in land prices from the land owner(=Unjust Enrichment Tax).

5. Showed how some places have an Environmental Police Force =Code Enforcement Officer=Neighborhood Preservation Officers.

6. (8:00) Showed poor woman living in arid state arrested for not watering her grass.

7.  (10:00) Woman being taken to court for having a vegetable garden in her front lawn.

8.  (13:00) Man in Antelope Valley having his land confiscated.


Part 3: (22:37)

  1.   Three opportunities to Confront A-21

a. During the Visioning Process

b. During the Comprehensive Land Use Plan draft stage.

c.  After the Plan has been adopted.

NOTE: The further along, the harder it is.

  2.       Strategies to stopping the Consensus Process (a above)

a. NEVER WALK OUT until the meeting is over

b. Do insist that the following four ideas are included in the “visioning list”

Private Property Rights Protections

All decisions must be made by elected officials

Must have protection from Amortization of Non-Conforming Uses (ie Grandfathering).

Others (All connections that any “player” has to an NGO must be publicized. All facilitators must show their resume at the front of the process.)

 3. Strategies to use once the Visioning Process is over and the Comprehensive Plan is in draft stage=b above. (Note: the draft will be done by the facilitator or the consulting firm that hired the facilitator. )

a. scrutinize the draft for unauthorized changes. May want a study committee to do this. Keep any concerns to yourselves, as long as possible.

b. Once your study is done, prepare a written draft listing all concerns (be sure to cite pages, too).

c. Meet with any of the elected officials (especially if they are sympathetic), who are to approve the Comprehensive Plan to show them your concerns. Only those who are “constituents,” and directly affected, should attend this meeting.

d. At the meeting for ratification do these three things…

Arrive early, and sign up to speak. ( Previously, you should have put      together a series of “talking points” and divided them up amongst those willing to speak at this meeting. Be sure each talking point ends with a statement urging officials to vote no on the Plan.)

Give a copy of your talking points to each elected official.

Bring in as many well dressed, polite supporters as possible.

    4.       After the Comprehensive Land Use Plan has been adopted=part c above

a. Focus on how the plan is to be enforced.

b. What does the state require of the county? (Google Ohio State Planning Code).

c. Decide if you are going to try to affect politics on a local or state level to create change.

d. Identify which international building code have been adopted by your county.




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