Senate: Climate Change Is Real; Humans’ Role, Maybe Not

After reading Republicans Outfox Democrats on Climate Votes you might find it interesting to read this same story as written by an in-the-tank-for-Agenda 21 reporter.

Things to note are…

1. In the article Republicans Outfox Democrats on Climate Votes the term “climate change” was used. In this article the term “global warming” is used. This is important because only if the left convinces us that the climate is warming, can greenhouse gases be taxed and used to finance the left’s slimy schemes, and, even more important, can the control of all human behavior be justified.

2) The photo that starts the story is there for only one reason; to tug at your heart-strings. Remember that one of the left’s goals, as presented in the EPA internal memo of 2009, is to appeal to our emotions-not our logic.

3) The author wants you to believe data provided by NASA and NOAA- even though these folks have a track record of playing fast and loose with climate data in order to keep the money flowing to them from D.C.

4) The quote from President Obama saying, “No challenge poses a greater threat to future generations than climate change”, besides being one of the lesser problems on the globe, is yet another example of how the left appeals to the emotions of the listener rather than to logic. 

Other than that, it is a great article (sarcasm intended), as you will see if you follow this link.

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