Tag Archives: United Nations Paris Climate accord

Stop U.S. Implementation of the UN’s Paris Climate Deal

As readers of the Agenda21course.com website, you are aware that the 1992 treaty, Agenda for the 21st Century, was never ratified by the U.S. Senate, but because it was signed by President Bush the Elder, it could, through Executive Order, then be implemented through the many virulent agencies of the federal government.

Fast forward to April of 2016 when Secretary of State John Kerry signed for President Obama the United Nations’ Paris Climate Accord. The accord is aimed at slowing the (fictitious) crisis of global warming. Obama and company will attempt this time around to avoid involving Congress in the matter. Hence calling it an “accord” rather than a “treaty”. This would set up a similar scenario to the Agenda 21 treaty in that items within the accord would be turned into soft law through executive orders and the use of the federal agencies. This makes it doubly important, if the Senate is to block these efforts, the Senate is made aware of the threat this accord poses to the United States. Please read this article to learn what YOU can DO to make a difference by clicking on this link.