Pope Francis and Religion of Climate Change

Belling the Cat is a famous painting with a fabulous moral. A group of mice were tired of not having enough of a warning of the cat’s approach. The mice convened a conference where it was suggested all they needed to do was to put a bell around the cat’s neck. After much back slapping at the brilliance of this idea, one of the mice said, but who is willing to bell the cat? The moral of the story, one the Catholic Church would do well to heed, is it is one thing to say that something should be done, but quite a different matter to do it. In other words, the Catholic Church may think it is a great idea to expect all of the people, especially in developed countries, to reduce their carbon foot print and their dreams, but will the Church hierarchy be willing to do the same? To learn some of the many ways the Church needs to put up or shut up, or reveal itself for just another hypocritical institution, click on this link.

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