Tag Archives: Communism

The Grand Design: The Hidden Plan That Shapes U.S. Foreign Policy |

Words fail me as I try to describe to you the power of this item; a one hour and 16 minute video filmed in 1968 that explains the driving principles since at least World War II for our foreign policy. To say this video is illuminating, scary, and prophetic is an understatement. You simply must watch it, and you simply must send it to everyone you know. This should be required viewing for every single American above the age of 12. I believe I can guarantee that if you watch just the first 15 minutes, you will be riveted.

This video explains that America’s foreign policy (which has a huge impact on our economy and security here at home) has been designed for one goal; a New World Order, and goes on to explain specifically the tactics that have been, and are being used, to achieve this goal. The film also explains the only way we can stop the creation of a New World Order.

Even though the film is 46 years old, by the time you are done watching it you will have the answer to questions like these…

1. Why are illegal aliens from across the globe, not only being allowed to flood across our border, being openly invited? 2. Why, since World War II, has the United States never been allowed to win a war? 3. Why, when citizens within restrictive countries around the world, like Syria or China, attempt to establish democracies within their countries, has the United States refused them our help?4. Why has Agenda 21 been allowed to be implemented in countries all across the globe? 5. Why are we currently allowing Hezbollah to have equal standing with Israel, even though historically Israel has been our ally and Hezbollah is a terrorist organization?

PLEASE, watch this video by clicking on this link. When done, to demonstrate that the New World Order baton has been passed on to Barrack Obama, read this short article titled, Obama’s ‘New World Order’ Quote Will Creep You Out Even if You’re Not a Conspiracy Theorist .

Stealing from the Poor to Give to the Rich: An Anti-Robin Hood Story

Maybe there is nothing wrong with a country where no one owns property. After all, the socialists and communists believe that if no one owned private property we would all exist on a level playing field. That sounds fair, doesn’t it? Watch this three minute video to learn the fallacy of this kind of thinking by clicking on this link.

The Grand Design: The Hidden Plan That Shapes U.S. Foreign Policy | G. Edward Griffin

Words fail me as I try to describe to you the power of this item; a one hour and 16 minute video filmed in 1968 that explains the driving principles since at least World War II for our foreign policy. To say this video is illuminating, scary, and prophetic is an understatement. You simply must watch it, and you simply must send it to everyone you know. This should be required viewing for every single American above the age of 12. I believe I can guarantee that if you watch just the first 15 minutes, you will be riveted.

This video explains that America’s foreign policy (which has a huge impact on our economy and security here at home) has been designed for one goal; a New World Order, and goes on to explain specifically the tactics that have been, and are being used, to achieve this goal. The film also explains the only way we can stop the creation of a New World Order.

Even though the film is 46 years old, by the time you are done watching it you will have the answer to questions like these…

1. Why are illegal aliens from across the globe, not only being allowed  to flood across our border, being openly invited? 2. Why, since World War II, has the United States never been allowed to win a war?  3. Why, when citizens within restrictive countries around the world, like Syria or China, attempt to establish democracies within their countries, has the United States refused them our help?4. Why has Agenda 21 been allowed to be implemented in countries all across the globe?  5. Why are we currently allowing Hezbollah to have equal standing with Israel, even though historically Israel has been our ally and Hezbollah is a terrorist organization?

PLEASE, watch this video by clicking on this link. When done, to demonstrate that the New World Order baton has been passed on to Barrack Obama, read this short article titled, Obama’s ‘New World Order’ Quote Will Creep You Out Even if You’re Not a Conspiracy Theorist .


Climate Movement Drops Mask, Admits Communist Agenda

Climate Change is really not about the environment but is instead about weakening America by redistributing her wealth to ultimately create a New World order that does away with the free markets and embraces Socialism and Communism. If you want proof that this is the true goal follow this link-but be ready to see a lot of photos of Socialists at work transforming our society one protest at a time.

The Humanitarian Hoax of Collectivism

If you wish to read a very well crafted article, which will walk you through the past sixty years of insidious Progressivism allowing you to see how America has been brought to such a sorry state, please click on this link.