Tag Archives: Liberals

November 2016 Agenda21course.com Newsletter

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Agenda21Course.com Newsletter

I hope you find this monthly newsletter informative. If you have any comments that you would like to share, you may contact me at www.agenda21course.com .

Please note the posts on my website look like they were posted in March of 2013. Without going into excessive detail, in order to keep my lessons, which were posted in March of 2013, at the top of each lesson page, it is necessary to create a “false” posting date for my posts. By clicking on the link within each post you may determine the actual date of each article or video.

November 2016 Agenda21course.com Newsletter

Table of Contents

History of the Progressive Movement

Deceitful Tactics Used by the Progressives

What are the Tenets of Progressivism?



Do You Really Understand What a Progressive is, their history, their goals, and their tactics? If you cannot answer this question, you cannot intelligently cast a vote for Hillary Clinton. If you read this newsletter, you can get the information you need to vote wisely.
History of the Progressive Movement

The effort to transform America and Europe into the chaotic mess they are today has been “progressing” for well over 100 years. Those who have caused this so-called “progress” are known as Progressives. The following is the short history of Progressivism.

Progressivism was the reform movement that ran from the late 19th century through the first decades of the 20th century, during which leading intellectuals and social reformers in the United States sought to address the economic, political, and cultural questions that had arisen in the context of the rapid changes brought with the Industrial Revolution and the growth of modern capitalism in America. The Progressives believed that these changes marked the end of the old order and required the creation of a new order appropriate for the new industrial age.
Sound pretty good, doesn’t it? But if Progressivism is such a good idea, wouldn’t the American People accept it willingly; without trickery and deceit? Let’s investigate this a bit further. Continue reading

The Progressive Movement and the Transformation of American Politics

This is a wonderful article which compares and contrasts constitutionalism, progressivism, and liberalism and provides the history of each. I cannot emphasize enough the value of reading this article in its entirety. By doing so, the reader will be much better able to understand what drives Progressive and Liberal thinking and recognize when the federal government of the United States is actively trying to subvert its Constitutional mandates and why.

Since it is a fairly long article, the author of this site has pared it down and presented it in her November 2016 Newsletter. This newsletter can be accessed by going to this website’s home page and clicking on the  “Newsletter” option on the right side of the home page.

As the article was summarized in the newsletter, it is hoped the integrity of the information was maintained. However, only by reading it in its entirety will you be sure to obtain the true meanings with all of their nuances. To read the entire article, please click on this link.