Tag Archives: steel tariffs

March 2018 Agenda21course.com Newsletter

 Table of Contents

Trump’s steel tariffs protect national security, put end to $8 billion foreign aid to Canada, Mexico, South Korea and Brazil every year 

London Closes 500 Churches; Opens 423 New Mosques 

Trump Administration Has Reduced Refugee Immigration to a Trickle

School shootings are extraordinarily rare. Why is fear of them driving policy?

Energized high schoolers rally across US in school walkouts: ‘You don’t want your brother, sister … to be the next victims’

Local student shot at school urges classmates not to walk out

College student kicked out of class for telling professor there are only two genders 

Trump’s steel tariffs protect national security, put end to $8 billion foreign aid to Canada, Mexico, South Korea and Brazil every year

Everything is a trade off. Americans must decide if they want cheap steel or national security. To help you decide, click on this link.

London Closes 500 Churches; Opens 423 New Mosques

If this article does not drive home the need to stop immigration of Muslims into the United States dead in its tracks, nothing will. To read this cautionary tale, click on this link.

Trump Administration Has Reduced Refugee Immigration to a Trickle

Do you know what a VOLAG is? Are you aware they receive from the federal government BILLIONS of your tax dollars to bring into this country thousands of immigrants, too many of whom are unwilling to assimilate and devoid of marketable skills. Once here, these VOLAGS sign the newly arrived immigrant Continue reading