Citizens in California’s Bay Area Fight to Stop Pack and Stack Building

We in the United States realize that many of our laws are affected by the crazy legal precedents established in California. This is certainly the case with all things environmental. Californians are infamous for going overboard to protect the environment. That makes them especially easy targets for a scam like sustainable development. That is why it comes as no surprise that California, especially around the San Francisco Bay Area, is currently the poster child for pack and stack building where living in multi-family housing, walking, bike-riding, or taking public transit to work are being forced on the citizens. In this August 6, 2013 article the citizens tell how their efforts to stop these restrictive measures have fallen on deaf ears, and that they, with the help of the Pacific Legal Fund plan to fight back. Please click the link to learn more about what will be your future if sustainable development is not stopped. link

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