Tag Archives: Technocracy

April 2020 Agenda21course.com News

Table of Contents

The Common Roots Of Climate Change And COVID-19 Hysteria

COVID-19 Projection Models Are Proving to Be Unreliable 

MN Senator and Doctor: Hospitals Get Paid More to List Patients as COVID-19 and Three Times as Much if the Patient Goes on Ventilator (VIDEO)

Police Raid Mississippi Church Drive-in Service
Action Item: What Comes After the Corona Virus

Bonus Article: Suspending the US Constitution: Police State Uses Crises to Expand Its Lockdown Powers

Tutorial: Short summary of Agenda 21 and the goals and tactics of the Progressive Globalists (useful as a tutorial for anyone new to the topic)
Note to Reader: There is no doubt COVID 19 pandemic is taking many lives with life altering consequences for families around the world. That is not debatable. What is debatable is whether this pandemic is being used to advance a Leftist political agenda. This newsletter will attempt to show an organized set of facts to suggest the latter is the likely answer.

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April 2017 Agenda21course.com Newsletter

Summary of Technocracy Rising, the Trojan Horse of Global Transformation

Flashback – Carbon Currency: A New Beginning for Technocracy?

Good News: Pentagon Grows, While E.P.A. and State Dept. Shrink in Trump’s Budget

Summary of Technocracy Rising, the Trojan Horse of Global Transformation

Recently the author of this website read Patrick M. Wood’s book, Technocracy Rising, the Trojan Horse of Global Transformation, which I cannot too strongly recommend to the reader.  Technocracy Rising provides in detail the 150 years of history leading up to the current crisis in our country which now threatens to permanently destroy our representative government, our religion, our privacy, our property rights, and our very freedom. Woods does a fabulous job of providing the names of the key players and associated organizations behind this awful effort, as well as explaining how and why these seditious players are doing this to America and the globe. Continue reading

The Common Roots Of Climate Change And COVID-19 Hysteria

To better understand this article the term “technocracy” needs to be defined. Technocracy is a form of governance where the Elite make the decisions for the People using the data provided by the “experts/ technicians/technocrats”- hence the name “technocracy”. 

Data drives all of the decisions in a technocracy. A perfect example of a technocracy is China; controlled by a very small group of elites with a massive number of technocrats who collect data on all the activities of its corporations and citizens.

But the mother of all technocracies would be created, if the United States is rolled into a One World Government.

The effort to create a One World Government has a number of names including but are not limited to United Nations Agenda for the 21st Century, Sustainable Development, Agenda 2030, Technocracy, and the Green New Deal.

Understanding what a technocracy is and it various synonyms will allow you, when you read this article, to better understand who started the COVID 19 influenza panic, why they started the panic, and how this can globally transform all aspects of our society and liberty by attempting to use COVID 19 to complete the implementation of Agenda 21. To learn the details click on this link.

Summary of Technocracy Rising, the Trojan Horse of Global Transformation

Recently the author of this site read Patrick M. Wood’s book, Technocracy Rising, the Trojan Horse of Global Transformation, which I cannot too strongly recommend to the reader.  Technocracy Rising provides in detail the 150 years of history leading up to the current crisis in our country which now threatens to permanently destroy our representative government, our religion, our privacy, our property rights, and our very freedom. Woods does a fabulous job of providing the names of the key players and associated organizations behind this awful effort, as well as explaining how and why these seditious players are doing this to America and the globe. Continue reading