Tag Archives: United nations

Lesson 6: Grants are Used as a Major Tool to Implement Agenda 21

GrantsThis is the sixth lesson in a series of ten lessons on Agenda 21, commonly known as Sustainable Development. Today we will learn how…

Grants are Used as a Major Tool to Implement Agenda 21

As one looks at the financial crisis in which one finds the United States, whether one sees this as a bad or a good thing depends on one’s point of view.  If the federal government wishes to create voluntary compliance at a local level with certain federal goals, would not making grants available to cash-starved local governmental entities, grants with strings attached, not be an effective way to create compliance?  Making matters worse is that the grant money the government uses to create local compliance is your tax dollars. Continue reading

Is Mary Granato’s Regional Government Responsible for Her Death?

This sad story shows how difficult, as Al Gore said, “the wrenching transformation of society” will be. The bike paths, walking paths, and mass transit lines for our new human settlements are being forced onto private property over the objections of the individuals who are being forced to sacrifice their land to eminent domain.

The owner of a property in Montgomery County, 85 year old Mary Granato, has been fighting to prevent Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission from having her large trees cut down and her front yard taken through eminent domain. MVRPC has plans to construct a bike path within 8 feet of her front door. This battle for property rights has been going on for most of a year.

This story ends even more tragically than normal. On July 31, 2013, while the county, against Mary’s wishes, was cutting down the mature trees immediately in front of her 150 year old house, Mary had a heart attack and died. To read about the struggle Mary has had since last October to stop this infringement of her property rights, please click here. link

Below is the story written in the Dayton Daily News on August 4, 2013 after Mary’s death.

 Deceased resident’s family said project distracts mourning.
 By Lawrence Budd Staff Writer

The death of an 85-year-old Washington Twp. woman could postpone work on the stretch of Austin Boulevard running past her home. Continue reading

Food Charters-Good Idea Until It Goes Bad

Sustainable Development ideas often are presented as beneficial ideas. Ideas that will help the individual and/or the environment, and possibly do-at least in the short haul. But, when one is dealing with Agenda 21 policy, it is critical to always keep the end game in mind. The end game is to move the human population into a pack and stack situation in the human settlements, where all of their food and fiber needs must be obtained from the land immediately around the human settlements.  To achieve this end game it is critical that humans are slowly conditioned to believe that it is a great idea to buy locally grown food. It is only later that they will find out that they will be the ones growing this food, and that there will be no alternatives. Continue reading

Thank God, Good News!

All right everyone, take a deep breath!!

I am not a mind reader. But right about now I would guess you could use some good news. This has been a tough-but important-set of lessons to learn. That is why I am going to end this lesson on a series of positive notes. Continue reading

Using the Delphi Method to Achieve Consensus

Never leave home without it-“it” being knowledge of how the Delphi Method is used against the citizen by City Planners and NGO’s- especially if you are heading to a meeting being held by these same folks to decide important decisions about your community: link 

Clean Ohio Fund

The proponents of Agenda 21 are brilliant stategists. They know that it is hard to fight something that looks like a good idea. That is the case when you go to the Clean Ohio Fund website. Many of the things that are discussed sound great. The photos just make you feel all warm and fuzzy. Put your critical thinking hat on and use the knowledge you acquired during this course.  Continue reading

EPA to Regulate Water Vapor Emissions

If there was ever any doubt as to whether Agenda 21 is a total scam and/or the people who are running it are crazier than a mad hatter, this article should put both of those doubts to rest.

At a news conference in Washington today (Sept 1, 2013), President Obama announced that he is directing the Environmental Protection Agency to act immediately to enforce a new set of regulations to limit emissions of dihydrogen oxide gas, or water vapor, one of the primary causes of catastrophic anthropogenic climate change.

“The world faces a crisis,” the president intoned, “and America must lead. We have taken the first step by limiting carbon emissions, but that cannot be effective unless we deal with the larger menace posed by dihydrogen oxide pollution as well. Since Congress has failed in its duty to pass the required laws, I, as president, am directing the EPA to move unilaterally to issue and enforce appropriate regulations.”

If you think that regulating water vapor is crazy (and it is!), and calling water vapor dihydrogen oxide is crazy (and it is), you need to read the rest of this article to read some REALLY crazy comments (and they are!) about these new fast approaching regulations.   link

“One Page” How To Stop Agenda 21

STEP 1: EDUCATE YOURSELF! And tell others about Agenda 21. However, when you discuss Agenda 21, you must be prepared for questions. If you do not have answers, or you answer poorly or incorrectly, you may actually do more harm than good. Below are several good websites to visit. Continue reading

Notes to go Along with Henry Lamb’s Confronting Agenda 21-Three Part Video Series

These are the notes that go along with all three of Henry Lamb’s three part video series Confronting Agenda 21. By copying them and reading them while you watch the videos, you will have a much easier time understanding the many important points that are made. Continue reading

Al Gore Sued by 30,000 Scientists for Global Warming Fraud

The founder of the weather channel, John Coleman, along with 30,000 other scientists, are tired of trying to get the media to tell the truth about Global Warming. The truth being that it is a scam.  So these scientists led by John Coleman are going to force a debate in court by suing Al Gore. To learn more click on this link to watch a short video where Greg Gutfield on his show Red Eye interviews John Coleman. link